[Moin-user] Failed to update MoinMoin from 1.2.3 to 1.3.1 and being disappointed :-(

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri Jan 14 08:07:07 EST 2005

> Some examples qouting the migration file:
> "To start, copy your data/ directory to this directory" What is this 
> directory?

To be exact:
To start, copy your data/ directory to this directory and then start 
with the script according to the table above and also run all scripts 
with a higher number - one after the other, in ascending order.

Ok, it could be clearer, but of course the directory where the scripts 
are located is meant. It also talks about those scripts in the paragraph 

Maybe this was because this file was located in the scripts directory 
when it was written and moved out of there to toplevel dir later.

> The migration file doesn't even mention that you have to replace your 
> moin.cgi file and maybe other files too (I've found that info somewhere 
> in the CHANGES file).

README.migration only talks about migrating the data from 1.2 to 1.3, 
not about moin setup. And yes, you have to read CHANGES.

> As I've observed by other projects too, developers seem to think it's 
> enough to write good programs, but it itsn't. It's also very important 
> to write good documentation, as user's have to be able to *use* 
> software. And of course, making the program as easy to use as possible 
> is always a good idea. Yes, I know that writing documentation isn't fun, 
> but it has to be done.

No doubt about that. But you what's the problem simply asking what you 
didn't understand? Either here or more real-time on IRC on #moin?

> I'm now at a point, where I actually thinking about moving to a 
> different wiki software, although I like the MoinMoin wiki engine.

That won't make conversion easier (but the contrary).

And you still will have to read all DOCs on major updates.

> don't want to go through that kind of update process again spending 
> hours to update to a new MoinMoin program version. I thought that the 
> days of such a script and configuration hell is over.

Migrating from 1.2 to 1.3 is more effort that from 1.x to 1.2 (or 1.2.3 
to 1.2.4). It is just because there where major changes in how it 
internally works. We even documented that it is more effort and I don't 
know how often I wrote "READ CHANGES" all over the place.

Believe me, we don't do that for fun or to annoy users, but because of 
making it work better and open doors for new features.

> Currently I'm thinking to go back to the backup of my content, bring up 
> the 1.2.3 version back to life

Was that directory question the only thing you didn't find out?

If not, why don't you just ask your questions?

 > and convert the content to some other
> wiki engine and stop using MoinMoin :-(

Feel free. We don't force you to use moin. :)

> '/cygdrive/d/ulfl/etc/Moin/mywiki/D:\ulfl\etc\Moin\mywiki\data')

That looks somewhat strange!?

> Apache/2.0.52 (Win32) Server at Port 80

There is some known Apache2 and IIS CGI brokenness under Win32 affecting 
pages with non-ASCII page names. See MoinMoin:MoinBugs.

It is not a moin bug and it works with Apache 1.3/Win32 and also with 
Apache1 and 2 under Linux.

> parser.wiki: link formating ... FAIL
> parser.wiki: escape html markup in getText formatted call with link ... 
> parser.wiki: escape html markup in getText formatted call ... FAIL

I think you can just ignore those.

Maybe just join #moin next time you try (if you try).

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