[Moin-user] GUI Editor missing in Beta 6

Hiers, Richard Richard.Hiers at covenantseminary.edu
Fri Dec 16 14:21:03 EST 2005

I just upgraded from 1.3.5, Python 2.4.1 to Moin 1.5 beta 6 on windows
2000/iis.  Everything seems to have gone very smoothly except that the
gui editor is missing.  When I click on the Edit (GUI) link, I'm taken
to an edit page that contains all the save, preview, etc. buttons, the
comment section, etc.  But no editor window.  The comment field is right
up against the save, etc. buttons.

Have I overlooked something?  I ran the setup.py and copied over the new
themes.  I didn't do much more than that.


Richard Hiers
Director of IT Services
Covenant Theological Seminary

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