[Moin-user] Moin security

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 4 23:01:02 EST 2005

Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> Is there a single place that lists all things that leak system info, 
>> via Moin, which could potentially be used by miscreants?
> No, but you can make a wiki page about it:
>  * SystemInfo
>  * action=test
>  * crash tracebacks (sometimes more, sometimes less)
> I think there is an open bug about the traceback stuff (esp. if it 
> happens in user.py).

Thanks Thomas.  It took a while to get around to this, but I have now 
setup http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/FixLeaks and added my "fixes" for 
SystemInfo and action=test.  Crash tracebacks are something else, I 
think I may leave that up to others for now.

-Jim P.

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