[Moin-user] Upgrade help

Charles Medcoff cmedcoff at wideopenwest.com
Sat Dec 3 15:48:01 EST 2005


I am running an old version of MoinMoin 1.146.  I am attempting a 
migration to another server and an upgrade at the same time ( possibly a 
mistake).  I downloaded the latest and created an instance  on my new 
server with no problems (CGI/IIS).  I then copied over the old users, 
text and pages directories to my new data directory.  One thing I 
noticed right off the bat is that I am still seeing the FrontPage that 
comes with the install instead of the version I copied over from my old 
versoin of the wiki (text/FrontPage).  It seems that instead of serving 
my FrontPage out of text/FrontPage it is serving out of /overlay/FrontPage.

Please advise.

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