[Moin-user] Java exception when attempt to edit existing drawing

Garland, Tony Tony.Garland at fluke.com
Wed Aug 31 07:24:38 EDT 2005

We are using moin version 1.3.1 under Apache. We can create a new drawing
using the


syntax, but when we return to the same drawing and click on it to edit, we
see the following:

1. The drawing java applet opens with blank contents and displays the error
"Error reading <path to page>?action=AttachFile&do=drawing_name.draw:
java.io.IOException: String expected in line: 9

2. The java console shows the following

Java Plug-in 1.5.0_04
Using JRE version 1.5.0_04 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.io.IOException: String expected in line: 9
	at CH.ifa.draw.util.StorableInput.readString(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.figures.TextFigure.read(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.util.StorableInput.readStorable(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.standard.CompositeFigure.read(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.util.StorableInput.readStorable(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.standard.CompositeFigure.read(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.util.StorableInput.readStorable(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.appframe.DrawFrame.readFromStorableInput(Unknown
	at CH.ifa.draw.appframe.DrawFrame.readDrawing(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.appframe.DrawFrame.loadDrawing(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.twiki.TWikiFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
	at CH.ifa.draw.twiki.TWikiDraw.init(Unknown Source)
	at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Before I spend more time sleuthing into this problem, I wondered if anyone
else is familiar with the symptoms and knows what should be done to fix it?

As it stands now, the drawing tool provides a rapid way to create an image
attachment within Moin, but being unable to successfully edit it is a pain.

Thanks - Tony

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