[Moin-user] Indexing capabilities

Kenneth McDonald kenneth.m.mcdonald at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 18 13:22:21 EDT 2005

Is anyone interested in working on true (i.e. book-like) indexing  
capabilities to MoinMoin? This is where you define index entries as  
you edit a page; using macro-style notation, it might look something  

Below, we'll talk about the features of MoinMoin, and why it's so  
vastly, stupendously, mind-bogglingly superior to other wiki engines.  
But, if you must use a wiki written in a language other than Python,  
you can look at Instiki (written in Ruby),  [[IndexMinor(Instiki)]]  
[[IndexMinor(Ruby)]] or at ...

= MoinMoin Features =

[[IndexMajor(MoinMoin, features)]]

What makes moin great is...

The advantage of index entries over searches is that they allow  
writers to pinpoint exactly where a reader should look if they are  
interested in a specific topic, and give readers a list of entries to  
browse through. In some sense, they are precalculated searches with  
structure. Of course, general searches are still valuable; an author  
might overlook index entries, not be thinking on the same wavelength  
as the reader, or might not be able to put an index everywhere that a  
topic is touched on.

Indexing capability would be of great use in our wiki, and I'll be  
looking into how I might write something (not sure what, yet--this is  
something to be done at page submission time, not at page  
presentation time, so a macro won't work I think) to accomplish it in  
Moin. If you'd be interested in helping with the implementation of  
such a feature, please feel free to contact me--I'm brand new to  
Moin, and haven't gone beyond hacking a new Theme yet.


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