[Moin-user] Export Wiki Information

Uwe Werner (RTC) uwe.werner at rtc.bosch.com
Tue Apr 5 06:46:38 EDT 2005

Hi everybody,

Moin rocks and we use it on our department intranet. But - yes, there is 
at least one "but" : From time to time I have to provide information (on 
a singe  page, scattered over multiple pages) to persons either not 
willing to bother with our Wiki or simply not able to access it at all. 
(Or I do want to prescribe a sequence of  reading.)

I do print outs (using the browser of my choice). It really does not 
look nice.
I copy/paste plain text / html. A lot of work. Various options with 
different qualities.

I know there are some ongoing discussions on future features, but I 
would really like to learn how you do it right now, with Moin 1.3.x. 
Perhaps I missed something essential.

Thank you!


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