[Moin-user] how to copy a page?

Brian Gallew geek+ at cmu.edu
Sat Sep 11 17:27:06 EDT 2004

Alexis Huxley wrote:
>       1) In the URL slot of your browser, append to the current URL
>          _2fNameOfNewBug.
>       2) Base the new bug page on the Bugs/Template template!
>       3) Edit the new bug report (there are comments in the template 
>          to help you do this).
>       4) Be sure to update the 'Category/ModuleIsXXXXXX' category
>          specification at the bottom of the page.
>       5) Save the page.

If you have a page called "CreateNewBug", you can use an Action/Macro 
like the one I posted a while ago to display an entry form on the 
CreateNewBug page.  Submitting that form then creates a new page and you 
get redirected to it.  I'm re-attaching my Action/Macro for your review.

As a matter for humor, I wrote it *exactly* for dealing with Trouble 
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