[Moin-user] ACL Group problem?

Andrew Premdas Andrew.Premdas at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Oct 6 05:49:12 EDT 2004


Can't tell for sure if your AdminGroup page is doing this but ...

If there is more than one space before an entry on the group page it will be

e.g. using ^ to represent spaces

^*WikiName     (works fine)
^* WikiName    (works fine)
^^*WikiName    (doesn't work)

This is of course real obvious once you know it, but it took me several days
to work it out!! 

I put some extra help in the moin moin help pages see


All best


Andrew Premdas
Student Systems Developer
Manchester University

-----Original Message-----
From: moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Dave Vieglais
Sent: 02 October 2004 10:47
To: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Moin-user] ACL Group problem?

This is probably a very simple problem but I can't seem to resolve it. 
Basically I'm unable to get groups working with ACLs.  The goal is for any
user to be able to read (including anonymous) but only members of AdminGroup
can edit pages.

Running the latest version of MoinMoin, ACLs are enabled in
site/moin_config.py (lines wrapped by email):

acl_enabled = 1
acl_rights_default = "AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert All:read"
acl_rights_before  = "TestUser:admin,read,write,delete,revert

I then created a page (leaving acl_enabled=0 to allow creation of the page
then changing it to 1) "AdminGroup" with the following contents:

#acl AdminGroup:admin,read,write All:

Two users, SiteAdmin and TestUser were created.  Since they are both on the
AdminGroup page, I expect that they can both edit any page on the site.
Instead what happens is that TestUser is able to edit any page, but
SiteAdmin is not.  Changing acl_rights_before to:

acl_rights_before  = "AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert"

Means results in no one being able to edit pages.

The expected result is that either TestUser or SiteAdmin should be able to
edit any page, but instead it appears the Group information is ignored, and
only users explicitly entered in acl-rights_before are able to edit.

I'm sure this is a simple config problem - Any suggestions?

   Dave V.

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