[Moin-user] Permission errors when editing an underlay page on win32

Eric Davis endavis at gwu.edu
Wed Nov 3 11:46:50 EST 2004

I just installed the new MoinMoin Beta and I am getting some permission 

Creating New Pages works, but when I try to edit an underlay page I get 
this error when saving it.

Windows XP SP2
Python 2.3.4
pywin32 build 202
Apache 2.0.50
ModPython 3.1.3
MoinMoin Release 1.3beta3 [Revision moin--main--1.3--patch-220]


  --> -->

OSError[Errno 13] Permission denied: 
'd:\\mystuff\\webstuff\\wiki\\mywiki\\pages\\FortuneCookies'	Please 
include this information in your bug reports!:
Python Python 2.3.4: D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe
Platform: win32 (nt)
MoinMoin Release 1.3beta3 [Revision moin--main--1.3--patch-220]
Wed Nov 03 14:33:50 2004

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function 
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\request.py in 
run(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy instance at 0x04DC88C8>)
   805             else:
   806                 try:
   807                     cgitb.Hook(file=self).handle(saved_exc)
   808                     # was: cgitb.handler()
   809                 except:
cgitb = <module 'MoinMoin.support.cgitb' from 
'd:/mystuff/webstuff/moin1.3\MoinMoin\support\cgitb.pyc'>, cgitb.Hook = 
<class MoinMoin.support.cgitb.Hook at 0x04DCE5A0>, file undefined, self 
= <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy instance at 0x04DC88C8>, ).handle 
undefined, saved_exc = (<class exceptions.OSError at 0x005C26F0>, 
<exceptions.OSError instance at 0x04DCF620>, <traceback object at 

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\wikiaction.py in 
request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy instance at 0x04DC88C8>)
   544         except pg.SaveError, msg:
   545             # msg contain a unicode string
   546             savemsg = unicode(msg)
   547         request.reset()
   548         backto = request.form.get('backto', [None])[0]
savemsg undefined, unicode undefined, msg undefined

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\PageEditor.py in 
saveText(self=<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 0x04DCF198>, 
newtext=u"This entire page has been shamelessly copied fro... -- one of 
Rob Blake's well-trained users\n\n", datestamp=u'1099267674000000', 
**kw={'comment': u'', 'stripspaces': 0, 'trivial': 0})
   855             # write the page file
   856             mtime_usecs = self._write_file(newtext)
   857             self.clean_acl_cache()
mtime_usecs undefined, self = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance 
at 0x04DCF198>, self._write_file = <bound method PageEditor._write_file 
of <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 0x04DCF198>>, newtext = 
u"This entire page has been shamelessly copied fro... -- one of Rob 
Blake's well-trained users\n\n"

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\PageEditor.py in 
_write_file(self=<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 
0x04DCF198>, text=u"This entire page has been shamelessly copied fro... 
-- one of Rob Blake's well-trained users\n\n")
   764         tmp_file.close()
   766         self.copypage()
   767         self.getPagePath(check_create=1)
   768         page_filename = self._text_filename()
self = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 0x04DCF198>, 
self.copypage = <bound method PageEditor.copypage of 
<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 0x04DCF198>>

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\PageEditor.py in 
copypage(self=<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor instance at 0x04DCF198>)
   729                 pass
   730             if not os.path.exists(dst):
   731                 filesys.copytree(src, dst)
   733     def _get_pragmas(self, text):
global filesys = <module 'MoinMoin.util.filesys' from 
filesys.copytree = <function copytree at 0x007F0C30>, src = 
r'd:/mystuff/webstuff/wiki/underlay\pages\FortuneCookies', dst = 

  d:\mystuff\webstuff\moin1.3\MoinMoin\util\filesys.py in 
dst=r'd:\mystuff\webstuff\wiki\mywiki\pages\FortuneCookies', symlinks=False)
    67     names = os.listdir(src)
    68     os.mkdir(dst)
    69     shutil.copystat(src,dst)
    70     errors = []
    71     for name in names:
global shutil = <module 'shutil' from 'D:\Python23\Lib\shutil.pyc'>, 
shutil.copystat = <function copystat at 0x007F0A70>, src = 
r'd:/mystuff/webstuff/wiki/underlay\pages\FortuneCookies', dst = 

  D:\Python23\Lib\shutil.py in 
    56     mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)
    57     if hasattr(os, 'utime'):
    58         os.utime(dst, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
    59     if hasattr(os, 'chmod'):
    60         os.chmod(dst, mode)
global os = <module 'os' from 'D:\Python23\Lib\os.pyc'>, os.utime = 
<built-in function utime>, dst = 
r'd:\mystuff\webstuff\wiki\mywiki\pages\FortuneCookies', st = (16895, 
0L, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0L, 1099510424, 1099510424, 1099502688), st.st_atime = 
1099510424, st.st_mtime = 1099510424

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
       __doc__ = 'OS system call failed.'
       __getitem__ = <bound method OSError.__getitem__ of 
<exceptions.OSError instance at 0x04DCF620>>
       __init__ = <bound method OSError.__init__ of <exceptions.OSError 
instance at 0x04DCF620>>
       __module__ = 'exceptions'
       __str__ = <bound method OSError.__str__ of <exceptions.OSError 
instance at 0x04DCF620>>
       args = (13, 'Permission denied')
       errno = 13
       filename = r'd:\mystuff\webstuff\wiki\mywiki\pages\FortuneCookies'
       strerror = 'Permission denied'

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