[Moin-user] Steps to upgrade wiki pages from 1 -> 1.2.1

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Fri Apr 16 06:34:01 EDT 2004

>   I have a moinmoin wiki that I just upgraded from 1 to 1.2.1......
> And now I would like to have the new system pages and I'm trying to work
> out what the best way of going about that is.....

Currently simply do it manually. Not nice, but there is no other 
(proven) way yet.

> I could simply copy over the top of my current wiki with the new pages but
> that seems a little slapdash. It could lead to pages that were in 1 and
> not in 1.2.1 cluttering up the place.

I am not aware of any removed pages. And even if there were, it wouldnt 
do much harm...

> Delete all files in data/text that don't have a corrosponding file in
> data/backup.

Not having a backup doesnt mean much except that it hasnt been edited 
more than once.

> Delete all data/pages/ dirs for pages that have been deleted in previous
> steps.

I did some pagescleaner script that removes orphan pages dirs. You can 
get in from the current development version (or search the wiki for it, 
maybe I attached it there, too).

> Delete data/cache/Page.py/*
> Delete data/cache/pagelinks/*

This is no problem as it will be recreated automatically.

> So can anyone tell me if I'm shooting myself in the foot here? Am I
> missing a step? Has someone already writen a script to do this?

Sound quite good.

I simply use midnight commander's compare directory function and then 
manually deselect what should not get overwritten (e.g. FrontPage or 
StartSeite for germans).

And running pagescleaner from time to time is also a good idea anyway.

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