[Moin-user] no css no images

Fujio Nobori toh at fuji-climb.org
Mon Apr 12 19:22:02 EDT 2004


On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 02:27:53AM +0300, Aaron wrote:
> Here is a copy of my config file.
> # basic options (you normally need to change these)
> sitename = 'Project Nigun Wiki'
> interwikiname = None
> data_dir = '/home/aamehl/wiki/data/'
> url_prefix = '/~aamehl/'
> logo_url = url_prefix + '/img/moinmoin.gif'

I would check the html sources of the pages on browser.  It
will show you the expected path of icons or css.

My guess is that your url_prefix is wrong...

Fujio Nobori                                     il|li
    email: toh at fuji-climb.org                   q|@.@|p
                                              m. ( o ) .m

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