[Moin-user] UserPreferences / Access Control

Oliver Stüker revilo at uni-paderborn.de
Thu Apr 1 06:14:00 EST 2004

It's not a bug, it's a feature. ;-)

The Usernames on the Web-server and in MoinMoin have to be the same.

Off-list I discussed with Thomas:

Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> Oliver Stüker wrote:
>> Does MoinMoin really interact with the Apache users?
> The web server tells moin that "TestUser" is already authenticated,
> Moin just believes that and gives out the cookie with the ID.
>> Do they have to be the same?
> Name has to be the same, password needs not to be the same.
>> Is there a way to switch it of (in the config)?
> Not yet.

I think that hasn't changed since version 1.1 (I haven't tried 1.2.x).

@Thomas: This Issue should be added to the FAQ and/or Install-Guide


Min-Soo Kim schrieb:
> Hello,
> Is there any outcome of IRC or ICQ you'd like to share?  I have the exact same problem here.
> I used "require valid user", and the only way to avoid the issue is comment it out.
> Regards, Minsoo.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Oliver Stüker" <revilo at uni-paderborn.de>
> To: "Thomas Waldmann" <tw-public at gmx.de>
> Cc: <moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 1:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [Moin-user] UserPreferences / Access Control
>>Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>>>>I've just updated MoinMoin 1.1 from Revision 1.173 to 1.178 on SuSE Linux
>>>>8.2 (Apache 2.xx) and want to protect it from external access. But when I
>>>>add the follwing lines to the httpd.conf :
>>>>ScriptAlias /test_wiki     "/home/httpd/test_wiki/moin.cgi"
>>>><Directory "/home/httpd/test_wiki">
>>>>   require user test
>>>That should be rather "require valid user" or similar, so that all users 
>>>(or all of a certain group) can login.
>>Usually I have a group. "test" is just a Test-Login. ;-)
>>>>MoinMoin doesn't remember my User-Login.
>>>>The Moin-Account ist properly created and the cookie saved by the browser
>>>>(Netscape FireBird and IE6).
>>>>But: the cookie-information is not read by MoinMoin.
>>>Strange. But maybe there is something wrong. A user "test" should not 
>>>get accepted by a moin with ACLs switched on. IIRC, it requires you to 
>>>enter a CamelCase WikiName as username (and also password and email).
>>>So maybe try with "TestUser" (both in httpd.users and MoinMoin account 
>>Yes, when I have a TestUser in "httpd.users" MoinMoin remembers the login
>>of "TestUser".
>>Does MoinMoin really interact with the Apache users? Do they have to be the
>>same? Is there a way to switch it of (in the config)?
>>I'd like to have the Users authenticate with their Unix-login-Name (it is
>>used for some other non-public parts on the server) and have a different
>>CamelCase Name in the Wiki. Is that possible?
>>>If it doesnt work, modify your config to know "TestUser" so we can try 
>>>from externally - or meet us on IRC for debugging ;)
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Oliver Stüker
[privat]   Grimmestr. 20 * 33098 Paderborn * Tel: 05251/8728755
[dienstlich] W1.111 * revilo at chemie.upb.de * Tel: 05251/60-5466

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