[Moin-user] Which standard?

Anders Eriksson anders.eriksson at morateknikutveckling.se
Sun Nov 23 23:46:02 EST 2003


I have a problem with my ISP and moinmoin.

They are forcing me to run all cgi through a cgiwrap, it's security thing,
and this cgiwrap isn't working together with moinmoin.

The problem is that moinmoin is using the last part of the url to specify
which page it's viewing, e.g.

the cgiwrap don't like this and responds with this error message:

CGIWrap encountered a system error: 

When: Cannot change to user's CGI directory via chdir()! 
Error Message: Not a directory 
Error Number: 20 

The error is of cause in the cgiwrap! To convince my ISP that it's their
error I would need a document saying so.

Where can I find a standard document that specifies how this should be

// Anders

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