[Moin-user] ACL login

Nick Trout nick at rockstarvancouver.com
Mon Nov 10 18:45:04 EST 2003

I have a question about configuring ACLs. If I have a wiki site that I
want to restrict use of to just my AdminGroup, because it contains
private information, how do I then log in?

Currently I'm doing:

	acl_enabled = 1
	...default = 'AdminGroup:read,write,admin All:'
	...before = 'AdminGroup:read,write,admin'

Then, in UserPreferences I have:

	#acl All:read

to allow users to read the UserPrefs screen so thay can log in if their
cookie expired or the logged out.

This allows anyone to create new login (albeit with no privilidges)

What is this the recommended way of doing this?


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