[Moin-user] Why some of the macros from MacroMarket don't work?

Tim Bird tbird20d at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 27 20:19:05 EST 2003

--- jvilhena <jvilhena at softhome.net> wrote:
> I have tried all the Macros from the MacroMarket, but some didn't
> work. Is 
> this usual, or I have some problem with my setup (windows 98,
> apache 1.3 
> and MoinMoin 1.1) ?

Some of the macros are for earlier versions of MoinMoin.
Which macros are you interested in?  I was involved in creating
some of them.  If the one's you're interested in are ones I worked
on, I can take a look at them.

Tim Bird

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