[Moin-user] CGI Buffering and Compression

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Fri Feb 14 10:12:08 EST 2003

Both of these things just need time (aka work), since quite some 
internals need to be refactored for this. They way to get there is 
clear though.

For you to be able to sensibly integrate that gzip-encoding class, we 
need to replace print by request.write (and no, don't send patches for 
this, since doing it directly is easier than applying a patch). If we 
get to it, intensive testing of the new code is helpful, though.

If you search for a unattended piece of code, "stats" could use quite 
some work. 

--Original Message Text---
From: Yandle, Hans
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 09:47:04 -0500

CGI Buffering and Compression 


I will try to help out on the docs thus allowing you to concentrate more on new 
features. I would like to suggest a new feature. I came across 
http://www.mnot.net/cgi_buffer/ a few months back and liked it. I have not used 
it but planned on developing my skills by integrated it into Moin. I was going 
to try to use it to provide gzipped encodings back to the browser for speed 
improvements. Also, if the wrapper was successful then we might be able to 
accelerate it even further using mod_python. It seems that Mark Nottingham is 
quite knowledge and maybe able to provide that missing link to move Moin into 
the mod_python era.  


Ciao, Jürgen

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