[Moin-user] New InfoPage in MoinMoin 1.1

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Dec 15 09:38:11 EST 2003

> I saw the InfoPage for the MoinMoin wiki at twistedmatrix.com has diffs 
> between arbitrary versions. 
> http://twistedmatrix.com/wiki/moin/MoinMoinFeatures?action=info
> Can I enable this feature in MoinMoin 1.1 or are they running the CVS 
> version?

That is not in 1.1 - we are running a recent development snapshot there.

We currently use tla/arch for development, see http://arch.thinkmo.de.

But as we are currently doing widespread cleanups and html changes, it 
is not advisable to just get an arbitrary version from there for running 
a productive site - quite some i18n is currently broken and even code 
might be broken sometimes. This is bleeding edge code! Usage is 
recommended only for doing development and testing.

So maybe better wait for 1.2 (Q1/2004) - the arbitrary diffs and lots of 
other stuff will be included then.

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