[Moin-user] IncludeURL

Michael Montagne montagne at boora.com
Thu Apr 24 09:38:13 EDT 2003

Ok, I've got past those errors and now get a page to load but it is not
rendering correctly.  It seems to be because the tags are being output
Here is a snippet of the output:

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=800> <ul>
<p>                        <tr> <ul>
<p>                                <td align=center
bgcolor='#000000'><font face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif" colour=white size=+1><img src="images/himalayas4.jpg"
width="100" height="50"></font></td> 

Notice the "<" type stuff.  I think if that came in as a "<" it might
work.  Or I could be misunderstanding.

>On about 23/04/03, Michael Montagne was heard to proclaim:

> I'm using moinmoin1.1.  Trying to use the IncludeUrl macro
> The only text in the page is
> [[IncludeUrl(http://www.themontagnes.com)]]
  Michael Montagne  http://www.themontagnes.com  503.226.1575 

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