[Moin-user] Wiki map in Mozilla Sidebar

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Nov 25 10:35:03 EST 2002

> Is there a way to show MoinMoin wiki structure in Mozilla sidebar?


> I.e., to allow navigate Wiki links and get to the needed page without
> actually having to follow links through Wiki pages?

You maybe want to look at http://linuxwiki.de/WikiBrowser - there you 
find links to the Touchgraph WikiBrowser, which also works with MoinMoin.

It is implemented in JAVA and has MAJOR problems with german Umlauts, 
but anything else seems to work ok.

> I imagine it as being a tree structure starting from FrontPage (or a
> specified wiki page or current wiki page) and showing expandable,
> hierachical link tree. Alternatively it could show one link level at a
> time and have "up" button like in ftp directory view.

You know SiteMap action?

> P.S. I know wiki structure is a graph, and even not acyclic graph.


greetings, Thomas

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