[Moin-user] newbie blues

steph andrews trsjandrews at yahoo.com.au
Thu Feb 28 02:37:02 EST 2002


I've just had a go at installing moin-0.10 on a win98
box with Apache1.3.3 and Python2.1.1 and have a few
questions and problems.

1. The 'install' file tells me to stick the following
into httpd.conf : Alias /wiki-moinmoin/
"C:/MoinMoin/wiki-moinmoin/", but that directory
wasn't created by the installation.  Should it be
"c:/moin-0.10/MoinMoin/wiki-moinmoin/ or something
else?  A similar story exists for the contents of

2. When I stoke up http://localhost/cgi-bin/moin.bat I
get an error from Apache : "Premature end of script
headers: c:/apache/cgi-bin/moin.bat"  I know that
moin.bat gets run and calls moin.cgi which then calls
cgimain.run() as I have been able to patch some code
into cgimain.py that prints to stdout (enough to
display a hello world html document)

Where am I going wrong? I have also tried installing
the 0.11 beta with similar results.  


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