[Moin-user] python help with include partial page macro

Adam Shand ashand at pixelworks.com
Thu Aug 8 13:50:02 EDT 2002


A friend is helping me write a moin macro and we're a little stumped
with how Moin works.  If anyone has any advice for it would be much

The source we're using is below and you can see the error message here:


It's supposed to work just like the IncludePage macro except exit at the
first instance of "^----".

I guess our question is, what gets returned by:

raw = Page(pagename).get_raw_body()
part = raw.splitlines()

I was assuming that part was just a list (ie. part =
[line1, line2, ...] )

but if its of another format, I'll have to structure
the list I send to Page().set_raw_body()


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