[moin-devel] Debian packages - patches

Ulrich B. UlrichB at posteo.de
Fri Sep 15 17:31:18 EDT 2023

Hi Paul,

Am 11.09.23 um 23:44 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> Thanks for offering to look at them! The ones that were required to 
> adapt to
> package version changes were as follows:
> 001-pdfminer3-to-pdfminer      - uses pdfminer instead of pdfminer3
This pdfminer patch has been merged into master today.
> 002-log-logger - fixes UnboundLocalError in logging
Can you provide an example how to reproduce this error?
> 015-fix-test-time-zones - use more conventional time zone names
Is this issue a bug or is it just cosmetic?
> 016-fix-flask-babel-3-breakage - fix API breakage in Flask-Babel 3

A pull request has been created for flask-babel 3.

Many thanks.

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