[moin-devel] Debian packages (Re: moin2 release with core functionality)

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Mon Sep 11 17:44:12 EDT 2023


> I will go thru your patches and create issues and pull requests.

Thanks for offering to look at them! The ones that were required to adapt to 
package version changes were as follows:

001-pdfminer3-to-pdfminer      - uses pdfminer instead of pdfminer3
002-log-logger                 - fixes UnboundLocalError in logging
015-fix-test-time-zones        - use more conventional time zone names
016-fix-flask-babel-3-breakage - fix API breakage in Flask-Babel 3

There are numerous patches to setup.py, either adding files like intermap.txt 
or adjusting package details. The above pdfminer change introduces 
pdfminer.six instead of pdfminer3, for instance.

> thanks for all your work. I have great respect for your results, it
> definitely helps to keep the moinwiki project running.

Thank you for all your hard work keeping Moin itself going! I would really 
like to see the project take off again, but I have limited time and energy 
available to direct towards it.

Please let me know if you need any of the patches explaining or want to 
discuss them. I will attempt to track upstream development and hopefully 
eliminate patches over time.

If you need to set up Debian, I can recommend doing so in a chroot environment 
or a virtual machine. I don't know what kind of system you are running, but 
something like GNOME Boxes should make a virtual machine installation fairly 
straightforward in a Linux environment.

Myself, I use some scripts that create and manage chroot environments that 
have been useful to me over the years, but I cannot claim that they are 
"production quality":


There are more cumbersome instructions for setting up a chroot on the Debian 


But a virtual machine might end up being the easiest approach to begin with, 
particularly if you are not running Linux.



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