[moin-devel] Moin2 - where do I start

Ulrich B. UlrichB at posteo.de
Sat Jul 23 14:15:16 EDT 2022

Maybe you create an issue in github first and list some of the typical 
objects, then we can decide what the best solution is. The last time I 
ran coding-std it found some of the new help pages and no code, if I 
remember correctly.

Am 23.07.22 um 04:21 schrieb M. Scott Reynolds:
> I got to the developer documentation where it has me run checks for 
> coding errors like trailing spaces etc: "./m coding-std". A handful of 
> of "Trailing blanks removed" and "End of line character added..." 
> showed up. What is the priority on fixing stuff like that?

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