[Moin-devel] writing a moin parser

jacob martinson martinson.jacob at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 23:12:34 EDT 2005

just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your help.  

the changes i made were small/trivial but the only way i could get
them to take effect in a consistant/reliable way was to delete all the
*pyc files under site-packages/MoinMoin and restart twisted/apache
each time i made a change to wiki.py.  for some reason just deleting
wiki.pyc didn't do it.  90% of the time i've spent on this little
project has been fighting some sort of importing issue.

anyway, here are my current changes to make [wiki word] be
interpretted the way i wanted:

$ diff wiki.py wiki.py.0
<         wikiname = word[1:-1]
>         wikiname = word[2:-2]
<             rules = rules + ur'|(?P<wikiname_bracket>\[.*?\])'
>             rules = rules + ur'|(?P<wikiname_bracket>\[".*?"\])'

i hope to move from jspwiki to moin soon so i'm going to go through
the standard parser and make it as clean & easy to use as possible,
taking hints from the other wikis i've used.  once i get something
nice i'll post it to the parsermarket in case anyone else might like

on a side note i thought i knew python, but there's been a number of
things i've seen since reading moin code i didn't know you could do.

thanks again for all your help!!!


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