[Moin-devel] Re: Installing MoinMoin without access to apache config/ssh/telnet

Alexander Schremmer 2004b at usenet.alexanderweb.de
Wed Feb 9 12:55:16 EST 2005

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 14:05:33 +0100, Tobias Vogt wrote:

> I just installed MoinMoin 1.3.3 on my ISPs machine with ftp-only.
> Roughly I did the following:


> As far as I can tell anything works fine. Now I have three questions:
> a) Is this setup known to be save or are there any security drawbacks?

No, this should be secure if you changed the file mode disallowing other
users to read/write the files.
BTW, I run a similar configuration at an alturo.de site.

> b) Is it desirable to have installation instructions for this kind of
> setup included in the HelpFiles? I could write one page or so.

Would be nice to have something like that.

> c) Would it not be fine to have a special package of files and an
> install wizard to do this kind of setup? I could go and write a quick
> and dirty install script.

Yeah, would be nice as well. Maybe we can even include it.

Kind regards,

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