[Moin-devel] xmlrpc2 putpage and authorization

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Nov 15 06:32:07 EST 2004

> I'm trying to interface to a MoinMoin wiki using the xmlrpc2 action. The
> particular version is Release 1.2.1 [Revision 1.184].

Better use 1.2.4. Or even 1.3beta5 :)

> All the getYYYY calls work fine but putPage always returns
> {'faultCode': 1, 'args': [], 'faultString': 'You are not allowed to edit
> this page'}
> using the python xmlrpclib.

There is sample code under MoinMoin/scripts/...

You also may need to slightly modify the MoinMoin/wikirpc.py code as 
putpage is disabled by default for security reasons.

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