[Moin-devel] upgrade & debian [czech language]

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Mar 11 08:56:12 EST 2004

>>Maybe just get the 1.2.1 version from SF and look into
> Is it painless to upgrade?

That depends on whether you make a backup before, read CHANGES and 
UPGRADE.html or not. <g>

> Doesn't it break my data?


> How often is moin packaged for debian?

Ask maintainer.

He told me he wants to package 1.2.1, but didnt say when.

> Or should I delete installed files and replace them with newer ones?

Instead using a debian package, you can also use the setup.py method.

Backing up and removing the old package is a good idea.

> Will be possible to upgrade by newer package in the future, if I do such
> manual surgery?

That doesnt make much difference.

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