[Moin-devel] czech language

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Mar 10 07:49:10 EST 2004

Hi David,

> i'm running moin 1.1 [Revision 1.173] from debian package and becouse it
> will serve czech audience, i translated i18n/cs.py, preferences and system
> pages to czech language...

It would have been less work if you had asked before.

The current translator information is at


We do not use *.py as source format any longer, we use *.po and then 
automatically generate the *.py out of it.

Maybe just get the 1.2.1 version from SF and look into 
MoinMoin/i18n/README. There is also some basic tool for converting 
py-to-po (you need that only once to not lose your work).

> i'm ready to contribute the work now - what should i do next? is there
> anyone, who grants CVS permissions? or should I send it to someone via mail?

If you manage to convert it to *.po, send me the po file.
If you don't, send me the *.py file you have, I will try to convert it 
and send you the *.po back for review.

At the end, I need a *.po from you. ;) Via email.



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