[Moin-devel] gdchart problem

Reimar Bauer R.Bauer at fz-juelich.de
Mon Mar 8 23:17:02 EST 2004

Dear all,

I was not able to recompile pygdchart-0.6.1 with Python 2.3.

There are a lot of warnings and some errors, this is a subset of the output.
gdc_py.c:135: warning: `OptionDoc' defined but not used
gdc_py.c:307: warning: `_cleanup' defined but not used
gdc_py.c:1665: warning: `_export_int' defined but not used
gdc_py.c:1633: warning: `_export_float' defined but not used
make: *** [gdc_py.o] Fehler 1

If I use the old compiled one I got this error_log entries:

/usr/share/moin/linuxwiki/moin_config.py:56: RuntimeWarning: Python C API 
version mismatch for module gdchart: This Python has API version 1012, module 
gdchart has version 1011.
  import gdchart

Any idea what I shoul try?

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