[Moin-devel] moin 1.2 icon space

Reimar Bauer R.Bauer at fz-juelich.de
Thu Mar 4 12:49:08 EST 2004

Dear all,

I have found a problem may be it's a bug. 

Sometimes if I start the wiki I got the icons shown without some space between 

StartSeiteAktuelleÄnderungenSeiteFindenHilfeInhalt is written this way 
normally there is some space between the words.

If I do once refresh the page cache then I got the blanks between StartSeite  
AktuelleÄnderungen usw.
The blanks looks like a rectangle with dark grey border. It is a bit higher as 
the letters. This looks not perfect. If I am able to set the color and the 
thickness of the border this could be fixed
The icons space is missing. Sometime later if I work with the wiki I don't 
know why the icon space is right. I will look a bit more about this tomorrow.


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