[Moin-devel] Macro documentation?

Cove Schneider cove at wildpackets.com
Tue Mar 2 09:04:07 EST 2004

On Tuesday, March 2, 2004, at 08:42 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:

>> I'm rather new to MoinMoin, and have been having problems with 
>> getting the MonthCalendar.py macro to work under 1.2.
> Did you use the latest from MacroMarket?

I have the one that says it's for 1.2, yes.

>> I wasn't able to find any documentation though on how to write macros,
> Read the source of the other macros. An easy one to begin with is 
> BR.py. ;)

I was afraid of that. I'll take a look at BR.py. Thanks.

> > or how to debug them.
> If it fails, you get a backtrace with line number and error msg. Start 
> there.

The problem I'm having is that the [[MonthCalendar]] isn't being 
interpreted at all. In 1.1 I had it working fine, but upgrading to 1.2 
has made all of my macros stop working. I'm not sure where to start 
digging due to my lack of familiarity with the MoinMoin source. Any 

> > Is there a debugging log somewhere?
> data/err(or.)log and/or apache log files

Yeah, I found the error.log file. Nothing has been logged to it.



> greetings,
> Thomas

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