[Moin-devel] moin-1.2.3 changes

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Aug 9 09:42:05 EDT 2004

Hi Florian,

> - If anyone can send in changes to a page, I at least don't want them
>   to disable sending diffs to people watching the page. Removed support
>   for this and also changed the docu file.

This change has positive and negative aspects. Maybe we should leave 
that choice to the one doing the subscription.

> - Config changes to personal taste, probably not something you want to
>   add as defaults:

Quite some of them are like I also configure it. But if we change that, 
we force people to reconfigure their stuff if they used the defaults. So 
this is maybe for moin_config.py, rather not for config.py.

> 	- The page trail list confuses me. (Yeah, I'm getting old.)

Isn't that a userpref option?

> 	- SiteNavigation is also good at the top, not easy enough to
> 	  find this in the footer.

You already can add this globally to navi_bar or to userpref per user.

> 	- No reason to show a random page in RecentChanges


> - README.redhat to clarify what needs doing on a Red Hat system, no need
>   to include this anywhere and just FYI

Good 8)

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