[Moin-devel] Area level edit security

Lan Barnes lan at falleagle.net
Fri Apr 30 13:18:05 EDT 2004

I'm new to the list and apologize in advance for asking a question which
I suspect is a FAQ. Nevertheless, I couldn't find an answer in my search
of the archive.

We are planning to use a wiki (MoinMoin) as an adjunct to a software
configuration management system in my company. The code repository
(Perforce) and issue/bug tracking (DevTrack) components will be handled
by proprietary SW (actually, I believe DevTrack is open source and we
have a support contract with the primary developers).

We want to use a wiki to gather ancillary data in a viewable and
editable format. Each project will have a link on an entry page that
will, in turn, have links to the project's:

1. Manifest (purpose, developers, testers, open dates, baseline tag,

2. Build procedures

3. Schedule and completion chart

4. Task summary

5. Code reviews

So far so good, but here are the hacks I could use help on:

1. We want the whole system to be world readable, but for the project
pages to be editable only by members of the project. I have been
searching the code for exactly where the [Edit] button on a page kicks
off the editing process so I can hack it to check a list of user names
and return w/o action if the requester isn't on the list. I'm learning
Python as I go (not the best way to do it!), and find the dereferencing
of OO code obscuring. I'd love a hint. Or clue -- I'm not proud.

2. We would like to archive each project's pages in our repository
(allowing us to tag the wiki contents with build and release numbers
corresponding to the code tags) at regular (e.g. nightly) and irregular
(upon a build) intervals. I am trying to understand the relationship
between the .../data/text/<filename> and the
.../data/text/cache/pagelinks/<filename>. Are both necessary on restore?

I'll be working on it this weekend, so Saturday replies are as welcome
as any others.

For the record, we are a M$ <blech> house but are running our Moin
server on Apache over Red Hat 9. Which I think is gonna make this a lot
easier for me in the long run.

TIA for any help,

Lan Barnes                    lan at falleagle.net
Linux Guy, SCM Specialist     858-354-0616

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