[Moin-devel] Re: [ moin-Bugs-935700 ] Standalone server: fix file uploads

Reimar Bauer R.Bauer at fz-juelich.de
Fri Apr 16 11:43:04 EDT 2004

>Initial Comment:
>The standalone server doesn't set the content-type,
>which means that multipart/form-data doesn't work,
>which means
>that file uploads don't work, which means that creating
>attachments doesn't work.

>The attached patch sets content-type, and adds
>an inefficient .readline() method because the 'cgi'
>module needs it.

In addition if the attachment variable is set no cgi is needed. 
Is it possible to store with this patch data in a different path as htdocs?


attachments ={
         'url': url_prefix+'/'+sitename}


Forschungszentrum Juelich
email: R.Bauer at fz-juelich.de
a IDL library at ForschungsZentrum Juelich

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