[Moin-devel] Date util

Tim Bird tbird20d at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 15:15:06 EST 2003

--- Nick Trout <ntrout at rockstarvancouver.com> wrote:
> It would be useful to have more date functionality in Moin (maybe
> MoinMoin.util.date.py) e.g. functions so you can work out how many
> days
> there are between two dates, whether a given date is before, after
> or
> between to other dates.

I believe the page dates are encoded in "seconds since the epoch"
(Jan 1, 1970), so they should be pretty easy to compare when in
raw form.  I thought the standard python time module had features
for all kinds of date-related functions, but I'm not sure and
I can't look at it right now.

Tim Bird

Tim Bird 
Embedded Linux Consultant 
tim at bird.org 

Tim Bird Consulting

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