[Moin-devel] ACLs moin patch

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer at conectiva.com
Mon Jun 2 10:01:09 EDT 2003

[Please, disconsider the previous email that got stuck in the
 mailing list for including an attachment > 40kb (it was 41kb :-)]

Hello everyone!

Here is an ACL patch I've developed, with help from Thomas Waldmann.

This patch implements all of the features described in 


We have a very complex user and group setup here, and everything
seem to be working perfectly so far. I'd like to know how feasible
it would be to include that patch in Moin before 1.1 is out?

Nevertheless, I'll be willing to support that patch, doing any
necessary improvements even after applied.

Some notes:

- the "# CNC" comments are merely a help for myself. You can safely
  remove them without "hurting my feelings" :-);

- I've added support to groups inside groups (multilevel, recursions

- in the patch there's also a fix to a bug which allows arbitrary
  HTML inside the title of " title:: content" formats;

- It's possible to inherit from the default configuration in
  acl_default by doing, for example "#acl Default SomeUser:read,write";

- I've introduced the possibility of having a plus or minus prefix
  in ACL entries. Something like "+SomeOne:admin". This allows one to
  write code after a "Default" entry, or in acl_forced, that doesn't
  replace the available ACLs for these users, but adds or remove the
  given rights.


Gustavo Niemeyer

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