[Moin-devel] twisted moin

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Wed Jul 2 16:34:14 EDT 2003

Hi Michal,

>I run a small hosting company and one of my 
>customers is getting a ton of traffic on his
>moinmoin installation. It's really eating up
>the server, and I was hoping to get MoinMoin
>running through twisted.
That will help you on response time mainly.
Also less load because it hasn't to spawn a python interpreter for each 
But traffic (rendered output) and cpu load for rendering by the 
parser/formatter will be the same of course.
For CPU saving, see Florian Festis WASP work (not integrated yet) - 
that's the best "caching" approach than can be done easily without very 
big code changes.

>It looks like there's been some work done in
>this area ( webapi.twistedMoin ) but it also
>looks like there's still some refactoring to
>with the url-parsing stuff.
>So, two questions:
> - Has anyone done any further work on 
>   twistedMoin outside of the cvs repository?
Not yet, but I am interested in that, too. I did quite some of the easy 
(but many) changes needed to make moin run in persistent environments.
But some stuff has still to be done (less, but more complicated).

> - Would a patch for this be welcome?
If you don't want to redo it, wait until my work is in CVS or at least 
do OTHER stuff.

As this work was scheduled post-1.1 release, I am awaiting an OK of 
Juergen Hermann before I commit that to CVS.

If you want to help, see the MoinDev page in the MoinMoin wiki. Work is 
coordinated there.

What I did is that string.xxx and print -> request.write stuff, but 
there are some problems left (see there).

I also looked a bit at twisted, but was a bit confused ;) If you are 
deeper into twisted and if there is interfaceing code missing, maybe 
you  could contribute that?

greetings, Thomas

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