[Moin-devel] Re: Development version and Twisted

Paul Moore pf_moore at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 21 15:31:03 EST 2003

Florian Festi <festifn at rupert.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> writes:

> The 1.2 branch is under heavy development and the nightly builds are much
> less stable than they used to be in the 1.1 line. They definetly should
> not be used in productive environments. AFAIK even the UI is broken
> because of the upcomming skinning support.
> Nevertheless are testers welcome.

It wasn't hard to get something basic running. I needed to edit
twisted-moin quite heavily (I'll post it here, even though it could
use some tidying up). Once I'd done this, I created an instance
directory as follows:

         data -- copy of the "data" directory installed with MoinMoin

Then starting MoinMoin was simply a case of

    C:\Apps\Python\Scripts\twistd.py --python=startmoin.py -n

The only problem I see so far is that the icon for Wiki: and MoinMoin:
links is not found. The URL for the image shows as
http://localhost:8888/classic/img/moin-inter.png (note the lack of a
/wiki/ path element before /classic/). I can't see an obvious place
I've failed to configure, but I'll keep looking - it seems to work
right on the MoinMoin website.


---- twisted-moin.py ----
from twisted.web import script, static, server, vhost, resource, util
from twisted.internet import app, threads, reactor
import random
import sys, os

# Add the directory of this file to sys.path

from MoinMoin.request import RequestTwisted

RESOURCES = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "moin", "htdocs")
PORT = 8888

# User/group to run under
# Usually, it runs under the www-data user and group.
UID = 'www-data'
GID = 'www-data'

from twisted.python import threadable

class WikiResource(resource.Resource):
    isLeaf = 1
    def render(self, request):
        return server.NOT_DONE_YET

class WikiRoot(resource.Resource):
    def getChild(self, name, request):
        if request.prepath == [] and name == 'wiki':
            return resource.Resource.getChild(self, name, request)
            req = RequestTwisted(request, name, reactor)
            return WikiResource()
# The root of the HTTP hierarchy
default = WikiRoot()

# here is where img and css come from
default.putChild('wiki', static.File(RESOURCES))

# set logfile name.
# This is the *Apache compatible* log file, not the twisted-style logfile.
# Leaving this as None will have no Apache compatible log file. Apache
# compatible logfiles are useful because there are quite a few programs
# which analyse them and display statistics. 
logPath = None

# Allow the requestor to tell us which host we are
# default.putChild('vhost', vhost.VHostMonsterResource())

# Make sure it is easy to add new virtual hosts:
root = vhost.NameVirtualHost()
root.default = default

# To add virtual hosts
# exampleRoot = static.File('/var/vhosts/example')
# root.addHost('localhost', default)

# Generate the Site factory. You will not normally
# want to modify this line.
site = server.Site(root, logPath=logPath)

# Set user/group to run under
# Usually, it runs under the www-data user and group.
uid = None
gid = None
    import pwd, grp
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(UID)[2]
    gid = grp.getgrnam(GID)[2]
except ImportError:

# Generate the Application. You will not normally
# want to modify this line.
application = app.Application("web", uid=uid, gid=gid)
application.listenTCP(PORT, site)

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