[Moin-devel] Re: [Moin-user] Where are we?

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Wed Mar 13 11:36:08 EST 2002

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:29:50 -0600, Jeff Kunce wrote:

>I have a few MoinMoin modifications that I use locally, and
>it is always a struggle to keep them synched with the latest

Well, if you keep them hidden, the chance is low they get committed. 
Tell us what you changed, and we can talk about whether the are of 
general interest, and what we can do to ease to keep the rest up to 

>I had been waiting for the release of 0.11 to launch some
>new wikis, because I was looking for a logical pause in the
>MoinMoin development. But now 0.11 has been released, and Juergen
>is committing new changes faster than ever.

Yeah, life is hard on you. :>

>Juergen, can you tell us what the big picture is? Is 0.11 a
>significant milestone, or just arbitrary "snapshot" release?
>Are there major changes coming in the immediate future?

Some corner stones:

 1. 0.11's major goal was up-to-date and complete docs, at least 
_mentioning_ each feature. We're there, and it'll stay that way now 
(no docs, no feature ==> i.e. no more contributions w/o a doc page).

 2. 1.0 will be the release that has an automatic way (script, Admin 
macro) to create and maintain wikis; 1.0 will also be the last 1.5.2 
compatible release. 0.12 might be 1.0.

 3. 0.12 will get any new features I find interesting, or a 
contributor finds interesting. See 
wiki:MoinMoin:MoinMoinTodo/ReleaseV012 and related pages.

 4. We have a wealth of nice and useful ideas, and contributions 
would help to pace ahead. One example is the ComplexSearch macro, 
which can be done w/o any changes to the core (or minor changes, 
which I'd do if needed).

 5. I need feedback on and help with HelpForDevelopers, i.e. what 
you'd like to see there, and you can add what you know (especially to 
"Tour of the most important modules")

 6. Really major refactorings, that will be scheduled on available 
    a) change the parser/formatter interface so that it can reliably 
produce well-formed X(HT)ML.
    b) add some sort of templating / skins
    c) refactor for persistency (pervasive use & passing around of 

Ciao, Jürgen

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