[Mobile-sig] opensource.com article about Python on Android

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Wed Nov 11 13:19:49 EST 2020

On 11/11/20 8:49 AM, David Boddie wrote:

> This list is basically dormant now, I think. Still, I saw this article on
> opensource.com today, which is a fairly high profile site for some readers,
> and thought it might be interesting to post a link here.
> Create and run Python apps on your Android phone
> https://opensource.com/article/20/8/python-android-mobile
> It's centred around Termux and a web application, so not interesting to
> everyone, but maybe some people will find it useful.

Cool read, thanks!

Of course, now I want to know if I can ssh into my phone so I don't have to program on a tiny screen with my fingers.  :-/


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