[Mobile-sig] support of the android platform

Gabriel Pettier gabriel.pettier at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 21:01:06 EDT 2016

Sorry, i'm aware of your work, just didn't make the connection 
immediatly. Sorry.

About VOC, That's a very interesting approach, i'd be curious to see 
what code using it looks like (how do you use java classes?  
introspection api?), sad to see no examples or more than the first page 
of the tutorials covering hello world, i guess you have a lot more 
working than that :).

Congrats for all the hard work!

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 06:16:47AM +0800, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 04/28/2016 03:01 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>> > (Apologies for the personal repost - I forgot to reply-all on the first
>> attempt)
>> >
>> > Hi Xavier,
>> >
>> > Great stuff!
>> >
>> > I’ve got a question about your experience integrating with the native
>> Android platform APIs.
>> >
>> > Getting CPython compiled as a native binary library is a huge step, but
>> my experience has been that bridging between binary libraries and the
>> Java/Dalvik APIs is a painful process - JNI *exists*, but
>> > it’s *really* slow, and has some pretty harsh limitations (like the
>> kernel-imposed JNI reference count limit).
>> >
>> > For some applications, this won’t matter - for example, if you’re
>> treating the android device as a low power server, something that is
>> terminal only isn’t a problem. However, if you want to write a
>> > native app, then you need to be able to create an Activity, with a View,
>> put a Button on it, and a Layout, and so on. Have you done any exploration
>> of the binding to these native APIs?
>> A first-class citizen java application embeds python using JNI. The
>> embedded
>> python accesses the android API by importing and invoking methods of an
>> android.py module.  The android.py module maps those API requests to json
>> RPC
>> calls that are sent to another java application so that they may be
>> processed
>> and their results returned.  This is the design of Scripting Layer for
>> Android
>> (SL4A) [1], a languishing project.
>Sure. I’m aware of SL4A. It struck me as a neat hack, but not an especially
>viable approach in practice - certainly not something suitable for an app
>that you’re expecting to use for wide consumer adoption.
>> IMHO you should define what 'slow' means, slow for a gaming application,
>> for
>> tracking the smartphone accelerometer or for a pyephem based application
>> that
>> brings the ephemeresis of stars and planets at your finger tip :)
>My use case was a fairly simple native application, a couple of inputs and
>a button. I took a Python implementation of the Cassowary widget layout
>algorithm - the same one that iPhones use natively - and tried to use that
>layout algorithm for widgets on the Android view - and it was almost
>unusably slow.
>“Slow” meant ~5 second startup time for a “hello world” app, and observable
>lags in widget redraw on device rotation. If I was getting that with only a
>couple of widgets on the screen, I didn’t want to think what it would be
>like with a complex UI.
>My diagnosis of the situation found two sources of slowdown:
>1) The Android kernel imposes a hard limit on the number of JNI references
>that a single application can hold, and that limit is impractically low. I
>forget the exact number but the limit is something like 1000 - but a full
>rollout of the classes involved in starting Hello World involves 4500 JNI
>references. So - you end up having to do on-demand JNI lookups, and
>aggressive LRU caching, all of which slows down actual use - you can’t just
>write off the problem as a startup cost.
>2) The JNI marshalling layer itself was about an order of magnitude slower
>than it is on a desktop JNI bridge. Getting a JNI reference, making a call
>across the JNI bridge - all these operations took *much* longer than the
>comparable operations on a desktop machine, even when you allow for the
>differences in CPU speed.
>FWIW - I was working on embedded CPython about 18 months ago, and gave up
>because these problems didn’t seem solvable. I was hoping you might have
>found a different way into the native capabilities of the Android platform.
>My conclusion is that Android *REALLY* wants you to be writing Java, not
>using JNI.
>As a result, I gave up on the JNI approach, and took a different tack.
>VOC [1] is a transpiler - but not a source code transpiler. It takes
>CPython bytecode as input (instructions for a stack-based virtual machine),
>and converts that bytecode to Java classfiles (bytecode for different
>stack-based virtual machine). That way, you can take Python code [2],
>compile it *directly* to equivalent Java class files, where it runs
>completely natively [3], with fairly acceptable performance. When the JVM
>throws a stack trace, it references the *Python* source code line number.
>To be clear - this isn’t source code transpilation - it’s at the bytecode
>level.. It’s also different to Jython, in that it doesn’t carry the
>overhead of an interpreter to the runtime - you’re shipping precompiled,
>ready-to-run Java bytecode. The downside is that there isn’t a REPL or an
>exec()/eval() call - but for my use case (writing apps for end users),
>that’s a limitation I can live with.
>[1] https://github.com/pybee/voc
>[2] https://gist.github.com/freakboy3742/3c6b74e8506d47d9bd97
>[3] https://twitter.com/PyBeeWare/status/683258762816192513
>Russ Magee %-)

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