[mmgsoc] Status

Benedict Stein benedict.stein at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 6 20:21:06 CEST 2011

Just to be brief, talked to Flo about this earlier, I had to attend a
preparation course for my volunatry year the last few days, I really
hope to be back to you soon.

IIRC we stopped with a new testing layer which fixes dupliaction bugs
during doctests,
most of the sites are now rendered in "the site" which does already have
menu items which are not yet linked.

Overall I'd summarize MM3 Webui got a7 compatible and some minor
enhancements, I'm still experimenting on how to display the different
pages , but I can proceed tomorrow :-)

In case you do have questions feel free to contact Flo or me.

Am Dienstag, den 05.07.2011, 09:06 -0400 schrieb Barry Warsaw:

> Hi folks,
> I'm now back from my travels and hoping to catch up on how you guys are
> doing.  What's your status?  Do you have anything to demo?  Are you stuck on
> anything?
> Next week are already the mid-term evaluations.  Can you believe it?
> -Barry
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Einen schönen Tag wünscht:
Benedict Stein

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