[Microbit-Python] Sprint with MicroPython on ESP8266 and BBC microbits

Nevil Hunt nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Oct 31 10:26:16 EDT 2016

Hi Marc-Andre,

I've not played with the ESP8266 yet so I'd be interested to hear how you get on.

Which particular ESP8266 module will you be using?


From: Microbit <microbit-bounces+nevil.hunt=hotmail.co.uk at python.org> on behalf of M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com>
Sent: 29 October 2016 20:14
To: For Pythonic MicroBit related discussions
Subject: [Microbit-Python] Sprint with MicroPython on ESP8266 and BBC microbits

Just in case there are some people from Germany around on this list:

We'll be running our annual Python Meeting Düsseldorf Sprint
later in November (weekend 19/20.11.) and one of the topics
will be to work on a mesh network setup to get BBC microbits
hooked up to a WLAN using an ESP8266.

If you're interested, please let me know.

This is our homepage: http://www.pyddf.de/ where we'll announce


Python Meeting Düsseldorf (PyDDF)<http://www.pyddf.de/>
Python Meeting Düsseldorf - Ein Treffen von Python Enthusiasten und Interessierten in ungezwungener Atmospäre.

the sprint soonish.

BTW: We all speak English, so speaking German is not a
requirement for attending :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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Marc-Andre Lemburg: All Things Python<http://www.malemburg.com/>
Blog by Marc-André Lemburg, Senior Software Architect, Python Core Developer, Trainer, Coach and Consultant

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The MicroBit is a small programmable device for children created by the BBC (in partnership with various other organisations, such as the PSF).

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