[Microbit-Python] Latest releases of Mu and uflash

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Sun Oct 23 12:52:38 EDT 2016

Hi Folks,

Many of you will have contributed fixes, features or tidy-ups to both
projects. I've spent my spare time this past week merging and generally
working out how the resolve things.

I've just released the latest version of both packages.

Thank you for all your contributions.

Please, please, please remember to include TESTS!

I've added a bunch myself for people who didn't bother this time. But
from now on, I'll just reject PR's with a "Please add tests!". If you're
unsure about how to write tests, I'm more than happy to help - just ask!

This is all explained in the CONTRIBUTING.rst files for both projects.

Yay for tests!


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