[Microbit-Python] Introducing myself

Ben Mustill-Rose ben at benmr.com
Sun May 15 08:19:54 EDT 2016

Hi Nigel & welcome to the list!

I suppose I should post some photos:
FYI that's a Sharp MZ80a that I was gifted around 15 years ago.
Unfortunately I turned it on last year & it started smoking - a quick
look inside suggests that at minimum some of the caps need replacing.

I'm not sure if I can make this next one even remotely on-topic, but
since you work for WD, we're doing old versus new & I collect hard
The (physically) larger one is a Miniscribe 2012 20MB 3600RPM? 5.25
MFM drive & the other one is a WD40EFRX 4TB 5400RPM SATA III.


On 5/14/16, Andrew Ferguson 500 <andrewferguson500 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Absolutely, that is something I'll look into.
> Unfortunately it is unlikely I'll have time for this before the end of May -
> I am currently in the middle of my Higher exams and so don't have time for
> much else. But once they finish I'll see how it could be done.
> Andrew
> On 14 May 2016, at 19:19, Joe Glancy <joe.t.glancy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That sounds like a good idea - would that be possible with your working
>> Micro Andrew? The Micro displaying "Hello micro:bit!" on some sort of
>> terminal (as though it's actually saying that), and the micro:bit
>> responding back by scrolling "Hello Micro!" (or the other way around.
>> On Sat, 14 May 2016, 16:06 David Whale, <david at thinkingbinaries.com>
>> wrote:
>> How about a BBC micro talking to a BBC micro:bit over serial? The RS422
>> interface at the back of the original beeb is just a UART. Need a level
>> shifter, then bring into UART pins on the expansion pads at the bottom of
>> the micro:bit and use MicroPython UART object.
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