[Microbit-Python] [slightly OT] Using micro:bit to teach Assembler

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Jun 10 06:37:27 EDT 2016

A teacher friend of mine asked whether micro:bits could be used to teach
Assembler? (I pointed out that something like a RPi setup might be
easier, given the volume of material available for RPi & Linux in
general. He responded that he has about 6 Raspberry Pis but 120 Microbits!)

Until a comment by Damien on this list the other day I hadn't realised
that MicroPython could generate inline assembler:


and that does look like a very a nice compromise. I haven't tried it out
yet but the examples obviously apply to the pyboard. As far as I can
tell, they share an instruction set, but I'm not sure where to look to
find the equivalent details (memory addresses etc.) to, eg, light an LED
on the micro:bit.

Is this feasible? Have I misunderstood anything?


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