[Microbit-Python] Microbit in STEM

Stewart Watkiss stewart at penguintutor.com
Thu Jun 2 03:17:44 EDT 2016

> I've just joined up, having been to a STEM event in Glos, introducing the microbit. Having retired last year I am now a STEM ambassador, helping out at a number of schools in this county.

Welcome to STEMNet. I'm also a STEM ambassador in Worcestershire, I've 
just renewed my membership (ie DBS check) so I've been a member 3 years now.

I've run and helped at a variety of different activities at schools 
around the county. Mostly these have been Scratch (CodeClub) or 
Raspberry Pi based so far, but I'm currently in touch with a school that 
is waiting for their micro:bits to arrive.

Other than my individual work with the schools I've found it quite hard 
to get traction towards more co-operation within STEMNet. One of the 
challenges is that I don't think there are so many in the Technology 
field in the county compared with the Science subjects. There are a few 
core members that I meet at events; they are mainly CodeClub volunteers.

The most successful events I've been involved with are a Raspberry Pi 
club (I've recently started attending "Slice of Pi" which is a Raspberry 
Pi club at Redditch HOW College) and the joint Code Club & Raspberry Jam 
events that Tim Wilson has been co-ordinating (Midlands co-ordinator for 
Code Club). We've had micro:bits at some of these events, but they have 
been quite rare so far. I've borrowed a micro:bit from the STEMNet 
county stock, but I've got two on pre-order for myself, so hope to show 
these off more at future events.

@stewartwatkiss / @penguintutor

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