[Microbit-Python] Feedback on TouchDevelop editor help please...

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Sun Feb 7 19:16:53 EST 2016



This is a *first* draft (so subject to significant revision) for the
kids' help page relating to the browser based editor that sits in
Microsoft's TouchDevelop platform (the "blessed" solution from the BBC).

It's designed to appeal to 11yo kids and to only give the very basics
about Python, MicroPython, the code editor and simple programming. If
you're thinking "where's the tutorials and lessons?" then rest assured I
have those in hand as you'll soon (hopefully) see.

If you're thinking, "where's the link to python.org?" then be prepared
for a half-hour lecture on the "eccentric" BBC "linking" policies that I
have to meet. Honestly, buy me a beer, grab some pop-corn and enjoy the
show when next you see me at a PyCon.

I'm not precious about any of the content therein, so I'd welcome
comments, constructive critique and ideas. If you want to create your
own comics, knock yourself out here: http://pycomic.github.io/ (and buy
Steve Hawkes a beer for his wonderful design work).

Finally, many many many many thanks to Giles, Harry and the others at
PythonAnywhere for making it super duper easy to host all this for free
despite bureaucratic numberwang concerning hosting constraints
(numberwang reference for those not in the UK:

On a happier note, I've squashed the remaining CSS related bugs in IE
and Safari, made it all work in a nicer "responsive" way as well as
worked around a rather nasty Safari based bug relating to the download
of hex files. I spent a lot of today cross-browser testing and cursing.


All the best,


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